Komatsu WA485-11 Wheel Loader Walk-Around

March 11, 2025
Komatsu's Bruce Boebel takes us on a tour of the newest Komatsu quarry machine.

The Komatsu WA485-11 is a new wheel loader with advanced features designed to enhance productivity, help control fuel consumption, and make maintenance easier (when compared to the previous model). 

With a newly developed Komatsu DBA127 engine, a Komatsu Hydraulic Mechanical Transmission (KHMT) engineered to deliver controllability and high transmission efficiency, and a new cab with operator-assistance features like AFJS controls, it is designed for quarry operations.

The new WA485-11YL adds a yard loader package with unique features engineered for demanding quarry and aggregate applications.


About the Author

Frank Raczon

Raczon’s writing career spans nearly 25 years, including magazine publishing and public relations work with some of the industry’s major equipment manufacturers. He has won numerous awards in his career, including nods from the Construction Writers Association, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, and BtoB magazine. He is responsible for the magazine's Buying Files.